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MDC Policies


A Registration fee of $40.00 is due at the time of registration.  $40 for the 1st dancer and $30 for each additional family member. This is non-refundable.


Tuition is due the 1st of every month. If you know you will be absent on the first class of the month, please make arrangements to pay ahead of time. A $35 Late Fee will be applied to any tuition not paid by the 5th of the month. You will not receive a monthly invoice.


Season Eleven runs from August 26th- June 19th. The tuition rate is for the entire season. It is not based on the number of classes during a month, but on the entire duration of our season. We require a 30 day written notice if you decide to withdraw from Momentum Dance Company.


We accept cash, check, VISA or  Mastercard,  in person or by phone. Beginning 9/1/2022 a 5% credit card surcharge fee will be assessed. To avoid the surcharge you may pay via electronic check/bank draft. Return check fee is $25.00


There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. A makeup class will be available. There are no make ups for classes missed because the studio is closed officially for holidays, etc.


The goal at MDC is to to create an environment in which dancer's want to be in attendance  and do not want to miss class.  


If the student is going to miss a class for any reason, please call or email ahead of time to notify the director.

Company Members: Attendance  to competitions is also vital to the company. If a dancer must miss a competition for any reason, sufficient notice must be received and dancer is subject to a re-choregraphy fee.

Dance Attire

Ballet: Dancers are required to wear a solid colored leotard, pink ballet tights, and pink ballet shoes. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a secure bun.

Jazz: Dancers must wear athletic clothing that does not constrict movement such as leggings, booty shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. Jazz shoes are required for all ages up to 12 years old. Ages 13+ may wear jazz shoes or half sole shoes. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun.

Hip Hop: Dancers must wear athletic clothing that does not restrict movement such as leggings, booty shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. Tennis shoes/sneakers are required for this class. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun.

Lyrical: Dancers must wear athletic clothing that does not restrict movement such as leggings, booty shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. Half sole shoes are required. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun.

Contemporary: Dancers must wear athletic clothing that does not restrict movement such as leggings, booty shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. No shoes are required for this class as this style of dance is practiced barefoot. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun.

Tap: Dancers must wear athletic clothing that does not restrict movement such as leggings, booty shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. Tap shoes are required. Dancer's hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun.

The Studio

The studio calendar year runs from August 26th - June 19th


All communication is sent via email; please keep a current address on file in the office!


A student may join at any time from September through March if there is space available.


The studio will be closed for major holidays and school vacations – see our monthly calendar.

Refunds & Credits

Registration Fees are non-refundable.


Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, or personal commitments.  You are welcome to make-up any class missed.


Momentum Dance Company reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration and a full refund will be given.

Payments & Balances

Payments may be made online through the parent portal,  at the studio, or by mail. 

We accept cash, check, VISA or  Mastercard,  in person or by phone. Beginning 9/1 a 5% credit card surcharge fee will be assessed. To avoid the surcharge you may pay via electronic check/bank draft. Return check fee is $25.00


When making a payment by check, please include the dancer’s first and last name in the memo of your check, so we may credit the proper account.


Returned check fee is $25.00


Recreational dancers WILL NOT be receiving a statement from our office for your monthly tuition. 


Any account unpaid after the fifth (5th) of the month will have late charges assessed of $35.00 that will be applied to the following month's invoice.


If at any time you would like a printed statement of your account, you may request one.

Overdue Balances Only: A statement will be mailed and/or emailed for amount due with late charges assessed.


Any student with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.


If for any reason you decide to discontinue your classes, you are not obligated to pay for the balance of the school year, however you will be responsible for any balance due.

Studio Policies : About

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©2020 by Momentum Dance Company

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